Filming at KlimaPhoNds in Clausthal
Filming at KlimaPhoNds in Clausthal Close the penultimate flap: The TransPhoR team and the Hupp-Dobusch team travelled to Clausthal in beautiful Lower Saxony on 11
Filming at KlimaPhoNds in Clausthal Close the penultimate flap: The TransPhoR team and the Hupp-Dobusch team travelled to Clausthal in beautiful Lower Saxony on 11
The first of a total of seven short films, each around 2 minutes in length, presenting the RePhoR collaborative projects, has been released.
The first RePhoR plant was officially inaugurated in Bottrop on May 2nd, with high-ranking visitors including BMBF State Secretary Judith Pirscher. In the meantime, the short film of the joint project has been completed and released.
Filming of the 5th RePhoR film at the R-Rhenania joint project in Altenstadt, Bavaria, has been completed.
On 7-8 May, the RePhoR Steering Committee meeting took place at the Emschergenossenschaft wastewater treatment plant in Bottrop and at the new Ruhrverband Ruhrhaus in Essen.
The industry dialogue “Phosphorus recovery from sewage sludge” of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) took place on 06.05.
The 57th Essen Conference on Water Management took place from 06-08.03.2024. Three RePhoR projects were also represented in presentations and an excursion.
The “Woche der Umwelt” will take place in Berlin from 4 to 5 June 2024. The RePhoR joint project Klima-PhoNds will be there as an exhibitor.
The shooting for the next RePhoR short film continues in Bottrop.
On January 30, 2024, Deutschlandfunk Kultur (Dlf Kultur) published a radio report on the topic of “Sewage sludge – from waste to raw material”. Dr. Martina Winker from ISOE, a P-Net partner, explained important de-tails on the process…
The next RePhoR filming continues: this time at the SATTELITE joint project in Hildesheim and Nienburg.
On February 22, the possibilities of P recovery via struvite precipitation were discussed and classified at an event in Braunschweig. The event entitled “Struvite precipitation as an attractive variant of phosphorus recov-ery – an offer to exchange process engineering experience” was organized by the joint project P-Net.
The German Phosphorus Platform DPP e. V. has published a policy memorandum on phosphorus recovery. It analyzes and evaluates how Germany intends to recover phosphorus from sewage sludge by 2029 in order to make the use of resources more sustainable.
RePhoR filming continues: this time at the P-Net joint project in Brunswick. After the great kick-off shoot last December at DreiSATS, we were able to continue last week together with the team from Hupp-Dobusch at the Steinhof sewage treatment plant in Brunswick
The 101st Conference of Environment Ministers was held in Münster in November. The federal states are urging for increased funding for nature conservation and climate protection.
TransPhoR is producing a total of seven short films for the funded joint projects as part of the BMBF funding measure Regional Phosphorus Recycling (RePhoR). The DreiSATS project kicked off on 12.12. in Markranstädt and Magdeburg.
The RePhoR project came second out of more than 30 competitors in the “Companies with more than 20 em-ployees” category of this year’s Göttingen Region Innovation Award.
The research project P-Net is planning the event “Struvite precipitation as an attractive variant of phosphorus recovery – An offer to exchange process engineering experience” on Thursday, February 22, 2024 at the Stein-hof sewage treatment plant near Braunschweig.
From November 22-23, 2023, the DWA-Landesverband Baden-Württemberg held the 9th congress “Phosphorus – A critical raw material with a future” in Stuttgart.
On 09.11.23, the RePhoR steering committee meeting took place on the grounds of Industriepark Höchst in Frankfurt am Main. With the kind permission of the RePhoR joint project RePhoRM and the joint partner Infra-serv Höchst, the group met in the old control room on the industrial site. Part of the day’s program included a tour of the RePhoRM pilot plant and Infraserv Höchst’s sewage sludge incineration plant.
Various media have recently reported the discovery of huge phosphate deposits in Norway. The DPP e.V. has issued a statement on this matter.
P-Net is testing fertiliser with the phosphorus recycling product struvite in a long-term trial…
The joint projects P-Net, SATTELITE and AMPHORE were presented at an event organised by Agrobusiness Nieder-rhein e. V.
Within the block “Nutrient Removal & Recovery” the scientific accompanying project TransPhoR presented the BMBF funded measure Regional Phosphorus Recycling, during the second international conference within one month.
The seven joint projects are now entering the practical implementation with the start of the further funding phase at the beginning of July.
The three-day conference with participating experts from all over the world focused this year on innovation and circular economy. TransPhoR had the opportunity to present the BMBF funding measure RePhoR.
On May 3 and 4, 2023, the seven BMBF-funded collaborative projects as well as the cross-cutting topics pre-sented their respective status of work and interim results.
Homepage der PhosRec GmbH im AMPHORE-Projekt online PhosRec Phosphor-Recycling GmbH was founded in March 2020 by five public water boards from North Rhine-Westphalia for the
The International Conference on “Social Life Cycle Assssment” is the leading event on current methodological developments and best practices in the field of social sustainability assessment. In 2022, the 8th conference took place from September 5-8 in Aachen, Germany
The 4th European Sustainable Phosphorus Conference (ESPC4) will take place between 20.06. – 22.06.2022 in Vienna. The BMBF-funded measure “Regional Phosphorus Recycling” (RePhoR) will be represented by FiW e.V. at RWTH Aachen University in a presentation of the joint and transfer project TransPhoR.