Dreharbeiten für die Kurzfilme der RePhoR-Projekte gestartet

The accompanying project TransPhoR, coordinated by FiW, is producing a total of seven short films for the funded joint projects as part of the BMBF funding measure Regional Phosphorus Recycling (RePhoR). The DreiSATS project kicked things off on December 12 in Markranstädt and Magdeburg.
Public relations work is also becoming increasingly relevant in research projects. Particularly in the case of a topic that appears inaccessible at first glance, such as phosphorus recycling, which is still far from reaching the general public, it requires the use of a wide variety of media to generate enthusiasm for the project content – and thus also to justify the funding to the public. As a scientific support and transfer project, TransPhoR sees it as its task to strengthen communication between various stakeholders. To this end, a short film was produced in the summer with the background to the funding measure. In the coming months, short films will also be produced for the individual collaborative projects to provide an insight into the objectives and the outlook beyond the project duration.
The DreiSATS project made the start. On 12.12.23, our employee Sophia Schüller (TransPhoR) and the film crew from Hupp-Dobusch were able to visit the project’s test facility at Veolia Klärschlammverwertung Deutschland GmbH (VKD) in Markranstädt and the pulverized fuel furnace at Carbotechnik in Magdeburg. Project coordinator Claudyn Kidszun (VKD) and her team, Peter Schöfmann from Carbotechnik and Dr. Marc Lincke from Fraunhofer IKTS accompanied the filming of the project with the utmost commitment. We would like to thank them for their great and professional cooperation!