Cross-Cutting Topics

In order to ensure an exchange of knowledge between the individual projects and to be able to benefit from synergies, overarching work priorities and subject-specific issues are defined and discussed jointly in the cross-cutting topics in the form of workshops and networking meetings. Collaboration in the cross-cutting topics not only provides significant added value for the projects, but also promotes the overall impact of the funding measure. In many cases, joint publications are a result of this exchange.

Based on the results of the internal workshop on cross-cutting topics, the steering committee meetings decided to work on the following cross-cutting topics:

CCT 1: Products and markets
CCT 2: Sustainability assessment
CCT 3: Legal aspects

The scientific accompanying project TransPhoR supports the joint work in the Cross-cutting Topics not only organizationally (TransPhoR – FiW), but also participates technically with the superordinate scientific questions regarding (i) the plant availability of the produced P-recyclates (TransPhoR HGoTECH GmbH) and (ii) the life cycle assessment of the developed processes for a holistic sustainability assessment of the regional phosphorus recycling approaches (TransPhoR – INaB Institute for Sustainability in Civil Engineering of RWTH Aachen University).

More detailed information, materials and results from the cross-cutting topics will be published here on the homepage in the course of the funding measure.