Cross-Cutting Topic 3: Legal aspects
Objective of the CCT
- Identification of overarching legal issues from the collaborative projects on topics such as the approval of products, the distinction between European and German law, organizational and legal forms in intermunicipal cooperation, and other issues
- Elaboration of a proposal for a workflow for the approval of plants and P-recyclates under consideration of the different jurisdictions
Work progress
The topic of “legal aspects” was previously dealt with under cross-cutting topic 1 and then separated out as a separate topic following the steering committee meeting in mid-2023 due to the wide range of topics.
The previous legal workshops led by Prof. Pinnekamp and TransPhoR as well as the CCT meetings held under the leadership of Dr. Adam have so far presented and discussed the following topics:
- Terminology and classifications of waste and (by-)products, end of waste and use of recyclates.
- Implementation of the sewage sludge ordinance at the state level
- Organizational and legal forms, chargeability of P-recycling, legal requirements for the implementation of plants as well as challenges in licensing procedures
- Legal requirements for P-recyclates on German and European level
The presentation slides of the legal workshops are available under the respective RePhoR internal events on the homepage.
- Processing of results obtained from the legal workshops and CCT meetings
- Compilation of a catalog of frequently asked legal questions on the topic of phosphorus recycling
- Involvement of projects and experts outside the funding measure in the activities/events of the cross-cutting issue
Forschungsinstitut für Wasserwirtschaft und Klimazukunft an der RWTH Aachen (FiW) e. V. / TransPhoR
Dr.-Ing. Kristoffer Ooms
Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM)
Dr.-Ing. Christian Adam
Ministerium für Umwelt, Energie, Ernährung und Forsten des Landes Rheinland-Pfalz
Hans-Walter Schneichel