Homepage der PhosRec GmbH im AMPHORE-Projekt online
PhosRec Phosphor-Recycling GmbH was founded in March 2020 by five public water boards from North Rhine-Westphalia for the purpose of jointly implementing the future mandatory phosphorus recovery.
Within the framework of the AMPHORE project, the shareholders want to assume joint responsibility via the GmbH for the planning, approval, construction and demonstration operation of a large-scale plant with the aim of phosphorus recycling from sewage sludge ash. The participating shareholders are Emschergenossenschaft, Ruhrverband, Wupperverband and Linksniederrheinische Entwässerungs-Genossenschaft (LINEG).
Now the homepage has been launched, which will provide regular information on the progress of construction and later on the operation of the demonstration plant of the AMPHORE project.
The site is available at https://phosrec.de/.