Social Hotspot Analysis on Primary P at S-LCA Conference

The International Conference on “Social Life Cycle Assssment” is the leading event on current methodological developments and best practices in the field of social sustainability assessment. In 2022, the 8th conference took place from September 5-8 in Aachen, Germany. Within a presentation block on “Interlinkages between S-LCA and Conflict Minerals or Critical Raw Materials Assessment”, a presentation on a social hotspot analysis on primary phosphorus was given by Dr.-Ing. Roland Meyer (INaB – Institute for Sustainability in Civil Engineering of RWTH Aachen University) of the transfer project TransPhoR. The findings from this lecture were developed in a master thesis and will also be used for the cross-sectional topic 2 “Sustainability Assessment” within the project RePhoR. The great interest in the lecture proves the importance of a holistic sustainability assessment. A publication on the topic is planned.