RePhoR filming continues: P-Net in Brunswick

RePhoR filming continues: P-Net in Brunswick

RePhoR filming continues: this time at the P-Net joint project in Brunswick. After the great kick-off shoot last December at DreiSATS, we were able to continue last week together with the team from Hupp-Dobusch at the Steinhof sewage treatment plant in Brunswick. Together with the coordinator, the ISWW of the TU Braunschweig, and the Stadtentwässerung Braunschweig GmbH, the recordings took place last Tuesday in strong winds, including breakneck drone flights. The P-Net project is coordinated by the TU Brunswick. We would like to thank them for their great and professional cooperation!

As part of the BMBF funding measure RePhoR (Regional Phosphorus Recycling), the TransPhoR transfer project is producing a total of seven short films about the joint projects. The films provide a lively insight into the different approaches of the projects.

In recent years, processes that produce crystalline phosphorus products by means of precipitation and crystallization have become established in the large-scale implementation of phosphorus recovery. P-Net is researching the unresolved issues of this technology in order to make it fit for the entry into force of the amended Sewage Sludge Ordinance. The advantages of these plants in fertilizer production are to be preserved and made more widely usable. The focus is on the establishment of a regional network for the recycling of phosphorus to strengthen this technology track (“Struvite track”). The project is coordinated by the ISWW of the TU Brunswickand is being carried out together with the partner institutions ISOE – Institute for Social-Ecological Research, Julius Kühn Institute (JKI), Abwasserverband Braunschweig (AVB), Stadtentwässerung Braunschweig GmbH (SE|BS), Abwasser- und Straßenreinigungsbetrieb Stadt Gifhorn (ASG), PFI-Planungsgemeinschaft GmbH & Co. KG and SF-Soepenberg GmbH.

More information can be found on the RePhoR homepage at or on the project homepage