AMPHORE | A material flow for the implementation of phosphorus recovery in a model region

TransPhoR | The funding measure RePhoR – Regional Phosphorus Recycling

R-Rhenania | Thermochemical P recycling from ash by AshDec® process

P-Net | Estimating Agronomic Performance of Recycled Phosphorus Fertilisers – Challenges and Possible Solutions

P-Net | Estimating Agronomic Performance of Recycled Phosphorus Fertilisers – Challenges and Possible Solutions

TransPhoR | Foliar application of biostimulants: how to get them info the leaf apoplast?

R-Rhenania | Crystalline phase analysis and phosphorus availability after thermochemical treatment of sewage sludge ash with sodium and potassium sulfates for fertilizer production

TransPhoR | Circular Economy of phosphorus – challenges and findings in performing comparable LCA-studies of phosphorus-recycling

TransPhoR | Project sheets for the Funding Measure Regional Phosphorus Recycling (RePhoR)

AMPHORE | Project sheets for the Funding Measure Regional Phosphorus Recycling (RePhoR)