Filming at KlimaPhoNds in Clausthal

Filming at KlimaPhoNds in Clausthal

Close the penultimate flap: The TransPhoR team and the Hupp-Dobusch team travelled to Clausthal in beautiful Lower Saxony on 11 June to present the RePhoR joint project KlimaPhoNds. Prof. Dr. Michael Sievers and Rene Schumann answered all our questions about the project and explained the processes and objectives of the project. The KlimaPhoNds project is coordinated by the CUTEC research centre at Clausthal University of Technology. We would like to thank the entire local team for their great and professional cooperation!

As part of the BMBF funding programme RePhoR (Regional Phosphorus Recycling), the TransPhoR project is producing a total of seven short films about the joint projects. The films provide a lively insight into the different approaches of the projects.

KlimaPhoNds pursues a decentralized phosphate extraction in wastewater treatment plants, and based on this, a centralized refinement of the phosphate precipitation products to high-quality phosphoric acid, ammonia water and magnesium chloride. The climate neutrality is achieved by a nearly heat-neutral drying process with fluidized bed evaporation drying. The result is a fully dried, low-phosphate sewage sludge that can be recycled without residue and used in the cement industry for material and energy generation. A prerequisite for enough P-depletion in the sewage sludge is an optimized bio-P-elimination at the sewage treatment plant. In the first of two phases, the bio-P elimination at the Northeim wastewater treatment plant is maximized. If enough Bio-P fixation is successfully demonstrated, phase 2 will demonstrate the processing of the precipitation products to different raw materials, the almost heat-neutral drying and the utilization of dry sewage sludge as fuel and raw material on a technical scale.

More information can be found on the RePhoR homepage or on the project homepage