IPW10 – Phoshorus processes in catchments

The science and management of phosphorus in catchments is constantly evolving with changing environmental pressures and resource efficiency challenges. Understanding and evidence is the basis for good decision making and requires the cooperation and global collective effort of our research communities. The IPW10 will provide a supportive forum for this; the most important part of the conference’s success is you.

We need global researchers at all career stages with the skills and understanding necessary to shape contemporary definitions of the issues and progress solutions. We invite you to IPW10 in Scotland to share science and innovation and promote collaboration.

For more information on the event and to register, please visit the following link: https://congresshub.uk/event/10th-international-phosphorus-workshop-ipw10/


26. - 30.08.2024



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University of Dundee | Scotland


The James Hutton Institute
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